Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Such A New Sheet

It's been a long time ago since I wrote some notes to my Blog. Those long time is perfectly 2 years and 2 months. But I still can remember clearly the moment I decided "I WILL STOP WRITING IN THIS BLOG". It such a time when I get so hurt about falling in love. A stupid love that makes me gave up on writing. It does sound so stupid like that stupid love itself in the past.
I am writing this post by smiling all along. How can i find my old blog? It's such a coincidentally one. But one thing that I'm sure perfectly is about my decision on "I WILL START WRITING AGAIN IN THIS BLOG". Because it;s such a time when I feel love at the fullest since i was born. WELL,, I'm prettily sure about that!!

It sounds funny right?? When you hear that This my writing does STOP and START again by a passion that called "LOVE"

Falling In love does give such a huge power to give up or to struggle..

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