with no attitude..
has nothing to do but expect to many things from us..
know no at all about his own work but keep nagging all the time about our loaded work..
with no heart in his chest and no brain in his head..
everyday what he asks just to be respected but nothing what he's done is worth to be..
throw blame just everywhere to keep his pride alive..
such a fool just going here and there, and never leave a comment..
which his leaving will be the time when we throw such a huge party.. -even just imagining this makes me so happy-
Is my boss a slave driving psycho? No, he's just a no-brain lousy-mouth-control bossy creature..
This Pict doesn't belong to me |
Should I upload a picture of him?? No, of course not..
However I have brain and heart still..
I'll give this picture as a substitute..
Well yeah..
This is the best picture I can found that resembles his no-brain face the most..
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